Wet Mixer

Wet Mixer

The dry mixture powder is measured and poured into the drum. Binding agent in measure quantity is added slowly during rotation of the heavy rollers. These heavy rollers are mounted on a shaft. The shaft is driven by a gear box and motor. Scrappers are provided to make the mixture uniformly.


Type Muller Type
Type of Mixing Single Roller Double Roller
Rollers MS Fabricated
Roller Ø/L in mm 180/55 320/120 350/145 400/210 500/200
Mixing Capacity 10KG 100KG 150KG 200KG 300KG
Mixing Chamber Ø/h mm 500/300 1100/500 1250 x 575 1250 x 8OO 1700 x 700
Power 2HP 7.5HP 12.5HP 15HP 25HP
Gear Box A200 40:1 FV500 40:1 FV700 40:1 FV800 40:1 FV900 40:1
To Support Extruder Line Lab Model 2MT/Shift Capacity 5MT/Shift Capacity 5MT/8MT/Shift Capacity 8MT Shift Capacity

Apart From Muller Type we can also offer Sigma type tilting mixer

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