

The electrode coming out of die head falls on the transverse conveyor and this conveyor takes the electrodes to loading conveyor. The electrodes are aligned and passes through brushing and tipend cleaning section for cleaning of holder and tip ends.

One set of aligning unit and a name printing unit are provided in the unloading conveyor. The electrode name is printed when its passes through the conveyor. The electrodes are collected in the trays.


Transverse convevor Max Speed 500M/Min
Transverse conveyor Length 1000mm
Transverse conveyor Drive AC Drive 2 HP
Loading Conveyor Length 3000mm
Loading Conveyor Max Speed 30m/min
Loading Conveyor Drive AC Drive 3 HP
Brushing Section Length 1000mm
Brushing Section Power 2(1HP each)
Tip end cleaning section Speed 1440rpm
Tip end cleaning section Power 1HP
Unloading conveyor Length 1000mm 2000mm 2200mm 2500mm
Unloading conveyor Max Speed 10m/min
Unloading conveyor Drive 2HP AC Drive
Unloading conveyor Drive - 0.5HP Drive
Dust Collector - - 3HP
To Support Extruder Line Lab Model 2MT/Shift Capacity 5MT/Shift Capacity 8MT/Shift Capacity
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